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Hello fellow Massachussian’s! 


I think I'm probably an imaginater, a dreamweaver, a conductor! New occupations that should have space made for such types ages ago. I've lived an ordinary life, healthy all the way through with nothing remarkable good or bad.  But through it all I’ve been gaining wisdom from all sorts of quarters.  I seem to have a knack for finding the right people.  I believe this has to be a mark of a leader.  I don’t feel like a leader (yet) but this is no time to fuss around.  We’re at the very edge of the precipice in critical ways - politically, environmentally, technologically, scientifically and socially.  Since I was little I can remember thinking how awful it is that people in the world must go hungry.  It’s still happening, despite decades of “aid”.  You’d think by now everyone would not only be fed but have access to satisfactory shelter, health care and education.  If we all have these basic needs met, imagine what we could accomplish! I believe we can do much better than what we have done so far.


But we have to pick the people that have a proven track record of not taking advantage of others and feathering their own nest. Usually you can tell these people because they do work for no monetary gain in order to help others or to carry out their interests and passions.  We need people who put people first and who don't pander to bullies. We do not need people who hold the pursuit of money as paramount.  With the technology advancing rapidly, what takes us to the precipice is destructive technology in the hands of people who have no scruples. And I'm not referring to the petty things like adultery or shoplifting, though they are not a good sign either, but what I'm referring to is worse, much worse. Those who don't recognize that their policies have serious influences in the quality of peoples' lives need to bargain with their own personal assets, not those of the People squandering the public wealth like wanton hooligans. We need people who care. Most of all, that is what we need if we are to enjoy the technologies that make our lives wonderful.  But we are on the precipice of being enslaved by them.


I believe one of the most profound technologies in our time is the internet and I believe it should be available to everyone in Massachusetts.  Let's update to the 21st century already!  Our ancestors worked and fought so that we could have civil rights, but these hard-won rights are being eroded hourly.  That’s no exaggeration.  Now not only are we surveilled 24/7, but we don’t get to see the data our government has on us. We don’t get to see how they use that data.  Do you think that’s Constitutional?  I’m not one for the Constitution let me tell you (it was written solely by men) but at least the Constitution is something you would think our “leaders” would adhere to since they took an oath to. But it gets worse…now the Federal government has the “power” to take you, or your spouse, or your child or any American, and slap you with an accusation that you are involved in a belligerent act, and that’s enough reason for the government to arrest you, or someone you know, on the spot, never to be heard from again.  It gives the government the power to “detain” you for as long as they like, they can also execute you and you don’t even get to call a lawyer let alone have a trial.  That is the law now as passed by the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act.  I would nullify that law within Massachusetts immediately. I believe that Massachusetts is not a battleground and our state public servants will not aid the Federal government in administering such a law in our state.


Unfortunately laws seem to only be adhered to by the “small people”.  We don’t hold the lawmakers accountable or the people who have great wealth. They have wealth but no responsibility.  Where are the investigations about things that go awry such as who were the responsible players in the 2008 financial crisis?  There was an investigation for 9/11 but it took a year of fighting for it to take place and only by the indefatigable pressure brought to bear on the administration by the families of those who died on 9/11.  You’d think our government would want to know who funded the scheme to fly those planes into the Towers and turn New York City into something akin to Dante’s Inferno wouldn't you?


Perhaps it’s all just too much to think about.  Perhaps you’re thinking you’ve got enough on your plate as it is.  Well I can understand.  So I am hoping to make this campaign something that we can all enjoy, myself included.  Don’t expect me to wear makeup or slinky suits (though I may).  I’m doing what I want.  I have had enough of being told what to do. I realize after all these years that life is what we imagine it to be. What turns it into reality is our imagination,  it first has to be created in our minds because thought precedes action. I believe that life is kaleidoscopic and to live it the way we do, where others go hungry, where we kick people out on the streets, where slaughter is part of public policy, is unbearable for me.  And that’s why I’m running for governor of Massachusetts. I'm hoping that we can act as a model or at least as inspiratioin, for the other states to take the baton and run with it too, once we light the way.


I’m going out of my safety zone with this campaign and I’m hoping not to make too much of a mess of it.  I’m inexperienced that is true, but do you want more experienced players in the old boy network?  If so, I’m not for you.


This is my vision for Massachusetts:


The first year I’m governor, nothing much will change.  What we’ll be doing in that first year is finding the best advisors in economics, science, environment, education, health, communications, etc., opening up the discussion to get their advice for what is optimum in the field they specialize in.  From this we'll make the best policies.  The discussions will always be open to the public to listen to, comment on and to participate in.  Hey we haven't got all this modern technology for nothing!


While that is happening, we will form a Public Bank in Massachusetts or what is sometimes called a State Bank.  North Dakota has had a State Bank for around ninety years and throughout that period, the state has avoided the suffering the rest of the country experienced during recessions and depressions.  Find out more about public banking here:


With a public bank, profits stay in Massachusetts instead of going to Wall Street.  This would enable government to offer some pretty cool innovations to the residents of our beautiful state.  For example, free wi-fi and free education.  I am putting up a poll to find out what you would like our public bank to fund in order of your preference. This is what democracy is about, it is about you, and it is about us.  All of us.  It’s not just about the 1%.


Another thing we’ll do for ourselves is start a state currency.  Why should we be beholden to the Federal Reserve?  They’re not even public.  And they have plunged us into too many recessions with their convoluted management of the money supply.  We cannot be said to be free when we are obligated to use one currency.  Where’s the choice?  Well that’s what we’ll be providing in Massachusetts – choice.  Real choice. 


If you vote for me then you’re voting for this too.  Imagine.


I wouldn’t mind at all if Massachusetts were to lead the revolution again.  


I recently discovered a superb woman speaker who ran for office in Iceland.  (As a backdrop, Iceland has done some bold things with their banking sector and since doing so, has experienced a steady rise in their economy).  This woman’s name is Brigitta Jonsdottir and she is from the Pirate Party in Iceland. I don’t know about you but the name of that party alone gets me excited.  She refers to herself as being a Poetrician which is a newly coined word and something I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of now that women have entered the arena to everything.  You can listen to her video here:


Another thing I'll be doing is legalizing all forms of cannabis.  The so-called "war on drugs" is offensive even in its name. No wars period, on anything. Education is the name of the game. There's no need to fight. Cannabis both as hemp and as marijuana are plants that are our heritage, a gift from nature you might say. It is insane to jail people for smoking a plant, destroying families and inflaming organized crime.  Not to mention missing out on the incalculable benefits from cannabis as a healer and as an industrial megalith.


It’s time we grew up.  It’s time we started caring about the way we live on this planet and the resources we use.  We don’t have to go without, our planet has plenty.  But we do have to stop the waste.  We are killing species at the rate of 200 per day.  We pollute without any thought.  I want to see Massachusetts lay some ground work for other states to emulate.  It's better to do it as states not leave it in the hands of the Federal government so we have diversity of ideas and schemes.  Most of these policies are not difficult.  But we have to stop fooling ourselves that everything is alright and not keep going the way we are.  Einstein said it when he graced the earth, he said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”, or something like that.  I’m not going to be like anyone else.  But different is what is needed now.


Also, I’m always up for a party!


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